Some Gluten free foods

Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Meats and fish that have not been breaded, marinated, or processed in any way.

Rice, corn (unless you have a corn sensitivity), quinoa, and potatoes*.

Eggs, nuts*, beans*, and legumes*.

Fruit juices (preferably fresh),

 unflavored milks,

 coffeebeans (ground or not – not flavored) ( Read the labels. Ricoffy has gluten in as well as packet coffees)

unflavored teas.

Some noodles, like rice noodles, corn noodles, quinoa noodles, for example.

Oils of any kind.

Fresh or dried herbs, just be sure that ground spices or spice blends are gluten-free. Best to
buy a spice grinder and mix blends yourself. (Many bought spices has gluten in)

Vinegar except malt vinegar

* nightshades like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant etc might cause distress ..... be carefull

I also get very bad reactions from dates, bananas, lentils, potatoes, peas,
Due to the high lectin content.  Take care and test first if you can tolerate it.